Chen Lab Baylor College of Medicine

Hafiz Muhammad Jafar Hussain

Postdoctoral ResearcherPostdoctoral Researcher

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Jafar is a Postdoc in the Chen lab at Baylor College of Medicine from September 2022. He got his bachelor’s degree in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics and master’s degree in Biotechnology from Pakistan. He earned his Ph.D degree from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), China, in Cell Biology/Genetics in 2019. Before joining Dr. Chen’s lab, Jafar has worked for two and half years as a Postdoc in Ruijin Hospital affiliated with School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai China. During postdoc he has worked on data analysis of whole exome sequencing from kidney patients. Jafar’s research in the Chen lab is to focus to find new variants in inherited retinal dystrophies (IRD).

Hafiz Muhammad Jafar Hussain's selected papers